工学学士 (计算机科学与技术), 国防科技大学, 中国, 1993;
工学硕士 (计算机科学与技术), 国防科技大学, 中国, 1997;
工学博士 (计算机科学与技术), 国防科技大学, 中国, 2000.
中国计算机学会: 会员 (2005-);
中国计算机学会: 普适计算专委会秘书长 (2008-);
中国计算机学会: 系统软件专委会委员 (2009-);
中国Linux标准化工作组: 成员 (2005-).
从2001年至今,我共发表学术论文40余篇,其中第一、二作者30篇,SCI 收录10余篇,EI 收录20余篇;我出版的著作包括译著4部,编著4部。
863重点项目: 普适计算环境支撑系统 (2009-2010);
863课题: 无线传感器网络操作系统优化 (2006-2009);
863课题: 面向普适计算的操作系统研究 (2003-2005).
清华大学“优秀教学课程奖”——操作系统 (2008);
北京市优秀教材奖——《嵌入式系统》 (2008);
清华大学“优秀多媒体教学软件”一等奖——嵌入式硬件虚拟运行环境 (2005);
中国开源软件竞赛一等奖——SkyEye (2004).
[1] Cui Yan, Yu Chen, Shi Yuanchun, etc., Parallel Scalability Comparison of Commodity Operating Systems on Large Scale Multi-cores. In Proceedings of the workshop on the interaction between Operating Systems and Computer Architecture, in conjunction with ISCA-36 (WIOSCA 2009).
[2] Cui Yan, Yu Chen, Shi Yuanchun, etc. OSMark: A Benchmark suite for Understanding Parallel Scalability of Operating Systems on Multi-cores. In Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2009).
[3] Cui Yan, Yu Chen, Shi Yuanchun, etc., Improving Kernel Scalability by Lock-Aware Thread Migration. In Extended Abstract of Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2009).
[4] Cui Yan, Yu Chen, Shi Yuanchun, etc., Scaling OLTP Applications on Multi-core Platforms. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2009).
[5] Jiang Wei, Zhou Yi Shu, Yu Chen, Shi Yuanchun, etc., "CFS Optimizations to KVM Threads on Multi-Core Environment ", The Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 09)
[6] Wang Sheng,Chen Yu, etc. Fairness and Interactivity of Three CPU schedulers in Linux. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing System and Applications (RTCSA 2009)
[7] Cheng Chang, Suo Yue, Yu Chen, Shi Yuancun, An OSGi-based Communication Portal for Smart Space, The 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications,(ICPCA2009)Yu Chen, etc., An Energy-Aware Whole-System Dynamic Emulator – SkyEye, The 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing, 2006,8.
[8] Kang Suo, Wang Hua Yong, Yu Chen, An Energy-awared Simulator for Energy Co-estimation in the Embedded System, The 2004 International Conference on Embedded Software and System, 2004
[9] Yu Chen, Wang XG, Jiao ZQ, Xie J,Du ZH, Li SL. "MyVIA: A design and implementation of the high performance virtual interface architecture".IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, SEP 23-26, 2002.